Joanne Calder

What Do YOU Think? Where Do YOU Stand?

Teaching Critical Thinking In Middle Years Classrooms

In the twenty-first century, critical thinking skills are essential for all students.

Every day they are bombarded with information, news, and opinions from an incredibly wide range of sources.

To successfully navigate their way, students not only need to be able to think critically, but must also have an awareness of who they are and what is important to them in order to make quality decisions.

Hello my name is Joanne Calder

I have been teaching and researching critical thinking skills for middle school aged students for over twenty years.

I have used this experience and research to create a variety of lesson plans and strategies which I hope to share here and through my in-person workshops.

Please let me know if you find them useful.

More about me



I'd love share my experience with your group.

I am available to work with your group either as a speaking engagement or faclitating a workshop, lesson, planning or curriculum development.

See details and options on the Workshop page, including a booking form

And feel free to contact me with any questions

"Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically."

Martin Luther King Jr.

Joanne Calder