Joanne Calder


Joanne is excited to be able to offer a number of different workshops to share her experience teaching decisionmaking and critical thinking.

Three different workshop options are available. Fees vary depending on the length of the workshop and the number of participants. All workshops can be conducted virtually or in-person in the Vancouver area but need to be arranged around Joanne's teaching schedule.

If you are interested in booking a workshop, please fill out the form below.

Workshop Options

Option One

Title: Teaching Decision Skills

Length: 45 minutes - 3 hours

Grade Level: suitable for all grade levels

Focus: teaching general decision skills AND/OR overviews of specific units that teach decision skills such as making choices about alternative energy, accessibility, or big issues.

Option Two

Title: Justice Education

Length: 45-90 minutes

Grade Level: suitable for grade 5-7 teachers

Focus: exploring MyPita’s justice education resources.

Option Three

Title: Exploring Identity

Length: 45 min-3 hours

Grade Level: suitable for grade 4-9 teachers

Focus: helping students develop a better sense of their own identities in order to make thoughtful decisions.

Booking Request

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Joanne Calder